Blog 4, Pyramidiots

If the pyramids of Giza were truly built by anyone other than the Egyptians themselves, then archaeologists should find similar remnants in other places. Another thing that makes this theory complicated is the lack of any sort of evidence of writing that might suggest someone else built them. However, the fact that there are writings that we know of from the Egyptians about the pyramids exist, and people still don’t agree is complicating. If Atlantean’s did in fact construct the pyramids, would they not have left any scrap of evidence as to trace back to them? And this could be said about any civilization that could have built them. If any other beings made the pyramids, it seems likely that there would be some cultural remain left behind from them. It does not seem likely that a whole group of individuals (and a lot at that) could come in, build, leave, and not leave a single piece of their cultural material. And even more, a human body found that is not Egyptian. It simply does not make sense to accredit the pyramids to anyone other than those who are native to the area, such as the Egyptians, and the Nubians. These people knew the land, and where to extract the materials from. If Atlantean’s, or even aliens did in fact construct the pyramids, they would have no idea what the lay of the land was, and what materials were available for them. Another thing, the time frame of the pyramids is vast, the first three pyramids were built in a different dynasty than those of the Giza Plateau. There are also pyramids that are built considerably after these pyramids, so why would foreign builders build them so sporadically over thousands of years. Another thing to take into consideration is that there are over 100 pyramids in Egypt some famous and some not, some that architecturally worked and some that did not. Why would the builders who come from a utopian and advanced civilization produce so many different shapes and sizes of pyramids? 

The same goes for Atlantis, the lack of archaeological evidence and the holes in the record make it hard to believe that anything existed in the first place. people like Ignatius Donnelly and other hyper diffusionist’s see things like Egyptian mysteries and fill the holes with ramen noodles and gloss it over as the most correct answer. Yes, poking fun, but these people do truly see something that does not have an answer it put it on themselves to create their own answer. They ignore everything logical about the sites and even sometimes interpret what is known to be something else. However, Atlantis being real would yield some sort of material culture. Not Bimini road, which is something to be geologically proven not Atlantis. The lack of tangible, found material culture surprises me that people are so convinced it exists. I understand that Santorini is a place that is believed to be Atlantis, but how come there is no evidence supporting this? If it truly existed somewhere, and Egyptians and Mayans were diffused from, why is there no direct link or any evidence that supports that idea, such as writings/paintings, anything! Also, Egyptians and Mayans are from two very different locations, the civilization of Atlantis would assumably have to lie somewhere relatively in the middle or between the two. Why would either culture travel so far away from where they diffused from to such exact locations, locations that are well known and established at that.

One thought on “Blog 4, Pyramidiots

  1. You’re metaphor with the ramen noodles is amazing. Not only is it hilarious but also depressingly accurate. Does it sometimes look like the real thing? Sure, if you glace at it quick. Would it hold up to any actual weight? Not even a little bit. That’s the entirety of pseudoarchaeology in a nut shell. These people don’t care about THE truth, no matter how loudly they shout about the lies real archaeologists tell, they only care about THEIR truth. If they want to believe something, by all the alien Gods they’ll believe it, even if they have to carve and actual mountain into a pyramid to get there.
    This includes finding similarities that honestly aren’t all that similar, like the “arches” they say look the same and had the same source. How do they think cultures diffused from one single place like Atlantis? Especially if they think this society was more advanced than the ones it spawned. There is nothing from Atlantis in either Mayan or Egyptian culture, not so much as a bead or a pot sherd, literally nothing. If they came from this great society somewhere out in the ocean surely there would be something, anything at all, that even provides one small snapshot of its existence.
    And you make a great point about the location. Why there? Why Egypt and Central America? There are so many other places that they could have set up these new societies so why these places? Honestly, the more you think about any of these pseudoarchaeological concepts, the more they seem completely out there (and not in the way they think they are.)

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