Blog Post #5

I do believe that it is the professional responsibility of archaeologists to counteract pseudoarchaeology. When looking at pseudoarchaeology at face value, the claims do not seem very harmful to reputable archaeology. But, the underlying themes of these claims are, in fact, problematic. These claims are very often backed by nationalist and racist views. Because of this, it is important to combat pseudoarchaeology. Archaeologists, or even those interested in studying archaeology, can combat pseudoarchaeology by using factual evidence to show those who are misguided by pseudoarchaeological claims that their ideas are in fact, wrong, and very harmful. There are a few different ways that people can do this. They can take big feats, like writing and publishing anti-pseudo archaeological texts, they can publicly speak against these claims, and even attempt to go on shows like Ancient Aliens and directly combat these ideas. Some of these ways are more effective than others, which is why smaller ways are more reasonable. This could be informing your friends and family of factual archaeological evidence that directly falsifies pseudoarchaeological claims, or even fixing wikipedia pages to be accurate, like we are doing in this class. The main reason that we need to stop pseudoarchaeology from spreading is not simply because it is incorrect facts, but because it spreads nationalist and racist ideas. We can look directly to history to see this. In Nazi Germany, they used incorrect scientific evidence to support their racist and nationalist agenda. Adolf Hilter was infamously known for believing many pseudoarchaeological ideas, and researched extensively into them. Ahnenerbe was a German organization at the time formed to research ideas like ancient aliens and the pyramids. 

An argument against this, could be that we are looking too much into the past, and that Nazi Germany is not relevant today. But, we can confidently say that this is just as relevant as it was 60-80 years ago. You can turn on the news basically any time of day and see a new story about white nationalism in the United States. The growth of white nationalism has brought a growth in pseudo archaeological and incorrect scientific ideas about race and nationalism. An increase in pseudoarchaeology beliefs within our society could essentially fuel the white nationalist movement, which is not something any of us want. To keep our country on the progressive track, we need to combat pseudoarchaeology, therefore hurting the white nationalist movement as well.