Week 5 blog post

This week was really interesting, I never realized how our traits and how we look today were morphed over time millions of years ago because of specific reasons from the primates. Two that caught my eye and were widely talked about were big teeth and were their legs regarding bipedal. 

Although in 2019, we do not have as large as teeth and they are used for mostly mastication and ascetics. Teeth have dramatically changed over many years and even a lot in the past 40 years. Our teeth are a huge staple in our everyday lives and get us compliments from doing various things to keep the healthy and shiny. Mostly our teeth are used to chew foods into smaller pieces to make digestion easier. Mostly the canine tooth located on both sides is used for tearing hence why they are the sharpest. Primarily, this is done for eating chewy foods such as meat. Millions of years ago, teeth changed dramatically and were used for other things. Paranthropus species had very large mouths and large chewing muscles along with pre molars and molars very huge! Genera Ardipithecus showed to have large canine and were used for fighting. In these two species that were close but yet years apart. It showed the drastic change regarding how these teeth had different traits and yet teeth traits evolved and changed many times before getting to where we are today. Another trait that shows evolutionary and human biology is bipedal which is the use of legs to move. There is much evidence that primates before us walked on their legs to get around, however, they were not very good at it so used other methods to get around such as tree climbing and swinging. Due to bipedal was not ideal, primates developed longer arms to get around with. Although bipedal ideal saved us humans in a way that evolution changed again and made us have shorter legs. Thus, the legs were not so long so it did not hurt us when we walked around on legs only. Although there are many more those were the ones that caught my eye in regard to diversity changing human evolution. 

Fossilized human remains from early human ancestors give insight to many different ideas how our ancestors lived, looked like, how we evolved years after years because of different environments that changed and new adaptations that took place. No one in today’s world will ever truly know how we looked in the past and how we acted, fossilized remains show what we looked like, why we have really long arms for example to move around better in trees. Fossils can all compare humans to other humans around that time as mentioned in lecture, there are different time frames for understanding fossils. Some fossils can be determined based on their location and sediment of when that living thing was alive. Fossils basically paint a picture with how we looked in that time frame and can piece other ideas from that. For example, Lucy, she was 40 percent complete and with mirror imaging that made her about 80 percent. This really showed anthropologist how 3.2 million years ago what females Austalopithecus afarenis looked like and how many changes took place after.

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