Week three blog

After reading both articles this week, as they were both very interesting. I think the article from AAPA was more concise. I learned way more from reading that article and felt like it touched on very important issues. I felt like this was done in a well-mannered way that showed we all come/came from different backgrounds, but yet we are still a normal human. These topics presented this week I feel are very touchy in today’s world with the various events that have happened and think many people need to read these articles and become educated on these topics. Seeing things from a science view shows the facts in my opinion since it is showing everything from our makeup to the environment, we live in. 

I read the AAPA article first, and I really liked how I learned eleven topics basically. I really enjoyed how concise they were, but yet hit me with so much in-depth information regarding human variation and evolution.  I feel like point three quoting “Pure races, in the sense of genetically homogenous populations, do not exist in the human species today, nor is there any evidence that they have ever existed in the past”. I think this really sums up the whole article, people who are racist think they are some pure form of human and only made up of one race. As mentioned in that quote, there is no evidence that a pure race has ever existed. This shows for as long as humans have been around, we have been made up of many different races and never just Caucasian, African America, Hispanic, Asian etc. Today with all the new technology such as 23 and ME, people who thought they were one race, are finding out they are made up of many other things. For example, my grandma sent in her DNA and got back many different results she never thought of as she was always told we are from Europe, we are just only Caucasian, come to find out she is 40% of other along with other things which is really crazy to think about. 

As for the AAA article, it was also interesting! Especially the sentence that stated “conventional geographic “racial” groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. Six percent of different genes to be classified as different is very small! I was not sure what number I was expecting, but defiantly not six. That just goes to show how close every human is to each other and for example, only skin color, hair texture, eye shape, etc. makes us primarily different not what’s on the inside. 

To answer the main question presented in this week’s blog post on how would I explain the non-existence of biological race to a person who was unfamiliar with the topic? I feel like my points above really answer this question. Especially the sentence from AAA article, only having a six percent difference in genes between different races. Hearing only six percent of genes differ between people show we everyone is human and originated form the same species and also even factors such as environment on where that individual lives plays a huge role on this. I believe also race and what we define certain races as are just people making assumptions and classifying certain items/activities what only certain races do. There is no genetic link also that shows why certain people of certain races does certain things, people are just people who choose to express themselves a certain way regardless of where they are from or how they were raised. 

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