N. Wright: Pseudoarchaeology to Anti-Vax

A lot of people enjoy watching Ancient Aliens for entertainment purposes; however, this can be dangerous when people take the information too seriously. What a lot of pseudoscientists do is present their ‘ideas’ in a manner that appears as scientific. People are drawn into their ideas because they are presented in a way that ‘explains’ the unexplainable, or that are already explained with real science. This can be dangerous when the concepts that are presented by the pseudoscientists cloud the true scientific conclusions.

The fake scientist’s claims make people feel as though they are not being told the truth about science. This cultivates an environment of mistrust, and include the loss of the concept of reliability. When someone starts to believe in pseudoscience, the concept of these secrets being kept about science -whether it be “ancient aliens” or the “fake moon landing”- quickly snowballs into people questioning important modern science such as medicine and healthcare.

The science community is often times separated from the general public with the knowledge only being shared within the community rather than being shared with everyone. It is set up in a hierarchical fashion, with the scientists placed above everyone else, and health care providers serving as authoritative figures to the public. People would never think to question their doctor about their health. The knowledge shared in the world of medicine and health is rarely shared with the public. This has been a problem for as long as people have been doctors. Nowadays, people are starting to pushback about how this system works. This can be good, but is also often times very bad. The good is people pushing for better care for themselves, and for more focus on important areas that are not given enough attention such as gynecology and obstetrics; however, people are also pushing back about what they are expected to put in their body, such as vaccines and medicine. This is entirely the healthcare community’s fault. As research is being done and very important medicine and vaccines are being developed, the community is failing to educate the general public on this new information. In recent years, “alternative medicine” has been growing rapidly as people are realizing how little they know about medicine. When someone is prescribed medication, it is very rare for the doctor to actually explain what the medicine is for, and what it exactly does. If someone were to think of the last time they got prescribed medication they would quickly realize that they are not educated at all what is being prescribed.

Pseudoarchaeology and pseudoscience are making people realize how little they know, and instilling fear why they aren’t informed. People start trying to find “the truth” and end up falling into traps such being an “anti-vaxxer.” The science community is starting to learn, and is attempting to create more public awareness.