Blog 3

Testing the hypothesis that the prehistoric record contains evidence of enormous and unexpected leaps forward in science and technology is not an easy feat, even using a deductive approach. I have always learned that when forming a hypothesis, it needs to be specific and measurable. This hypothesis is almost impossible to measure. The problem with this also is that the claim seems ethnocentric. It is assuming that the ancients who formed the Pyramid and had great agriculture were not smart enough to figure these things out on their own. To actually try to actually do this, I would examine many of the sites that they have used as an example like the Lines at Nazka. The more data that we gather about this subject, the better. The Nazka lines are something that both Von Danikan and Tsoukalos are hyperfocused on within the first episode of ancient aliens. During the show, the people speaking never once really said anything about the culture of the Nazka people who made these lines. They just are fascinated by the fact that it was possible for the people to not only create these lines, but also because they assume you need an aerial view to see the lines and know what they mean. I think that many of the statements discredit the culture of the Nazka peoples. Even suggesting that the people are doing this with technology given to them by aliens is very ethnocentric. There is no way that these were an ancient airfield for aliens. Tsoukalos says “it looks just like an airport” just because it looks like something does not mean that that is the explanation. I think maybe these lines could have been made for worshipping these people’s Gods (not aliens) in some way. The geoglyphs of different animals and objects could have been a sort of prayer, praying to a specific God is these people were polytheistic. There are not texts from this culture, so it is hard to explain these ancient geoglyphs. One article I found on live science says the lines could have been formed to map out constellations. Another from this article states that it could have been a water ritual that motivated the people to build these lines. An Idea I had was maybe these are burial grounds. There are many explanations that we could test by excavating even a portion of these lines, and underneath them.