Blog 3

Just the idea of testing the hypothesis that the world’s prehistoric record of advancement in science and technology are because of the interaction between extraterrestrials and humans is an interesting one. If you were to try to understand the “interactions” between the extraterrestrial and humans, I would begin by looking at archaeological evidence and written accounts. While this is an obvious choice, it is causes controversy in the archaeological world. The issue with this technique is that everything is based off of personal interpretation, which is almost always biased. As we talked about in class, the human brain tends to process and perceive patterns where patterns may not exist. Our brains are wired to try to make sense of what our eyes see. Humans for centuries have attempted to makes sense of the mysteries within our world just based off of personal interpretations and, in some cases, these interpretations have been wrong because of the biases of the interpreter. These biases could be influenced by a racist or ethnocentric agenda, which is usually the case as we have learned in class. One example would be the creation of the Pyramids of Giza, as talked about in Ancient Aliens. Some pseudoarchaeologists tend to believe that man could not create something of this scale by themselves without extraterrestrial help. They believe that the structures’ layout was too advanced and that there was no architect at that time that could design a pyramid this massive. They also believe that the manual labor needed to create this structure was almost impossible as well. When I think of an ancient state such as Egypt, I think of organization. They were quite organized to create a civilization as large as Ancient Egypt was. The structure of the government allowed for the growth and prosperity of its people to survive comfortably as well as have the time and resources to create luxury goods. The large population could be sustained through these goods and the access to grain. Grain storage throughout Egypt supports the advancement of the ancient state as well. Grain was used as a type of payment method for the laborer’s who worked on building pyramids. Grain silos were kept within a close proximity of the pyramids for easier access, which can be seen through archaeological evidence. There archaeological explanation of building the pyramids in Egypt, that don’t include extraterrestrials; they were built by a large laboring workforce that had enough power to move the large stones used.