Blog #4

Aliens visiting our planet and influencing our civilizations would have a visible effect on the archaeological record. If they came and helped the Egyptians, there would be physical evidence of it in the record. There would be artifacts of some kind that would indicate it, and not like those taken out of context that pseudoarchaeologists claim to have connections to alien influence. There would be materials not found on earth, actual high technology, or potentially even some kind of biological evidence. Not to mention that the historical record would have some kind of indication of alien visitors as well. They would be written about, especially by such a literate civilization as the Egyptians, and people would continue to discuss them and potentially have scientific studies continuing on them from that point on. Some of the same criteria would apply to Atlantis as well in this situation. It is blatant disregard for the skills of the ancients and of course, racism. The Egyptians were exceptional builders, and we have records of their work that they put into the pyramids. There is the town of Gebel el-Qibli where the pyramid workers lived, and there is evidence of them being well paid and well taken care of, meaning their work was valued. Not to mention that in the archaeological record we can see the progression of the Egyptian mastaba to the pyramid structure, with the in between work like the Step Pyramid of Djoser and the Bent Pyramid of Sneferu. The Egyptian pyramid has a known purpose for their ideology and is placed well in their social stratification as well. The entire concept of aliens being involved is simply insulting. 

The idea of Atlantis as a “mother civilization” is one that is equally as ridiculous. If there was a single civilization that diffused to all others, there would once again be evidence in the archaeological record. Firstly, there is no evidence for any kind of civilization even remotely similar to what people associate with Atlantis. The entire basis of Atlantis comes from Plato’s philosophical work, there is no mention of anything like it ever existing at any point of time. There is no record of great technologies existing at all, and no place that could exist and fit into the Atlantis story. Secondly, if we all came from one civilization, wouldn’t our cultures all be much similar? In terms of Egypt and the Maya being similar due to their pyramids, it doesn’t check out at all. Egyptian pyramids were tombs for pharaohs, based off their creation myth of the Mound of Creation and to guarantee immortality for the pharaoh. Not to mention, they’re flat sided and were built that way to protect the grave. Mayan pyramids look nothing like Egyptian pyramids, with steps provided as they were meant to be re-entered, and flat tops. They were intended for religious ceremonies, to serve as temples to the gods, and sometimes were just used for navigation through the jungle. Just because they both are called “pyramids” doesn’t mean they’re the same.