Blog Post #4: The Pyramids and Atlantis

If the methods behind pyramid building were introduced into ancient civilizations by extraterrestrial beings, the historical record would appear much different than it does now. If it were the case that aliens influenced the construction of the pyramids, the archaeological findings that exist today would contain irrefutable and plentiful evidence for their arrival on Earth. Instead, the only “evidence” presented for the case comes from sources who seek out artifacts and connections that support their views. These pseudo archaeologists suffer greatly from confirmation bias. The archaeological record would likely have plentiful writings of the other worldly visitors in a scientific context. There would be physical evidence, perhaps other worldly materials/ minerals, technologies, or cultural items that would be found on earth. Also, a route or evidence of planetary travel would exist. Finally, if aliens had visited the planet and influenced the construction of the pyramids, threads of their “superior technology” or exotic workmanship would likely still exist in methods used today. Yet, all of these pieces of evidence that would be extremely difficult to cover up (with no particular reason to cover it up in the first place) are non existent. 

Instead, regarding pyramid construction, we see evidence of egyptian planning and egyptian workers. For example, “quarry marks” are observable on parts of the roughened stone. The quarry marks are written in egyptian language, obviously by Egyptians, and served as “checks” for the workmen. The marks would be placed on stones that were incorrectly prepared at the quarry and were not intended to be seen, as they were typically rude. This evidence shows that those building the pyramids had a system of communication and worked together for construction and planning; they didn’t use some sort of extraterrestrial method. 

In the case of Atlantis, if such a civilization existed, similar extraordinary technologies that are claimed would be plentiful in the archaeological record found today. Yet, they are not. There would be plentiful writings of the superior technologies and advances that existed- because certainly if the habitants could conjure up weapons able to “harness earth’s fire”, then they would know how to write and preserve such writings. Also, these unbelievable weapons and artifacts, along with other cultural materials, would appear in archaeological findings.

Instead, the archaeological narrative looks like this. The idea of Atlantis was influenced by Plato’s Timaeus and Critius Dialogues. Thought to be true accounts of atlantis by some, scholars are able to agree that the dialogues are instead a literary allusion used to convey his political messages. There is no evidence that Atlantis as a place ever actually existed. There is also no evidence to confirm that the story of Atlantis was handed down before Plato, which further supports that he made the entire idea up. There is no definite architecture, pottery, documentation, or cultural evidence to support that Atlantis actually existed or that has the ability to connect the habitants to a known civilization. With hard evidence obviously lacking from the argument, it is easy to see that “evidence” presented by pseudo archaeologist who support the Atlantis idea make obvious stretches to correlate random irrelevant archaeological finds or theories to the proposed idea of Atlantis.

One thought on “Blog Post #4: The Pyramids and Atlantis

  1. I loved your blog post. I have never thought of pseudo archaeological claims as confirmation bias before but that’s exactly what they are. It’s nice to put a name to it, it must also be nice for them to be able to look at something and fit it neatly into their little box of crazy. It’s like archaeologists know an artifact is a square, but pseudoarchaeologists are happy to cut off the corners and call it a circle. They don’t care about context at all it seems so long as it looks how they want it to look.
    I’ve also never understood these theories of advance civilizations with amazing technology. Where did all of that technology go? Surely it wouldn’t have all just disappeared overnight with no trace? Especially if these civilizations were the beginning of other cultures. There would definitely have been some of that fantastic technology passed across these societies. If these were truly great and powerful societies their reach would have expanded so much farther than one, unfound and mysterious, sunken island.
    And I agree with your point about the writing as well. How is it possible that these societies, so much more advanced than the ones around them, have not been documented by anyone at all? If they were real, someone would have talked about them, and not just in an allegorical, myth or thought experiment sort of way. Claiming that ancient societies talking about Gods was proof enough that people actually came from the sky isn’t enough.

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