Blog post 4

The pyramids in Giza, especially the great pyramid has been a mystery to many for a long time. Many have put several hypothesizes out there trying to explain how such a civilization could build a grand structure let alone have the knowledge to do so. One such hypothesis is that of a superior race coming to assist or teach them. There would be many clues if it were the case. The Egyptians would have tons of recordings in writings, depictions, and within there own premise of culture. I feel like there also would have been evidence of more advanced materials or methods in making different materials used. Ones that wouldn’t require as many people that are shown in wall carvings. It is also a well-known fact that the Egyptians focused on academia and sophisticated mundane techniques. They were a very strong port that controlled much trade, import, and export business. It makes sense for them to have gathered the knowledge to learn the architecture needed to build great tombs. There is also evidence of how the pyramids were built by human hands and thought. It was the belief or action that was missing to complete the link, leading to the idea of a higher being coming down. There is no context in their history to make sense of something like that. 

As for the idea that Atlantis was the centrifuge for two great civilizations, it is hard to believe. For one there is no actual hard or real evidence to support the claim of the lost city. Secondly, if the Mayans and the Egyptians were cousins, there would be a larger similarity of culture; in their architecture, religion, art, etc… Yes, the idea of pyramids is a similar one but these two civilizations were equally ambitious in the search for knowledge and they both were large import and export areas. They held connections all over the map which helped them to be successful, in control and access to more land if need be. This important fact allowed both civilizations, especially the Mayans,  to survive the millennia. The pyramids would have had a similar design besides that of a triangle. The Mayan pyramids would have followed the trend of mastaba tombs to the step pyramids that are currently found in Egypt. Rather than the known design of soaring pyramid temples or vice versa. These two facts rule out the idea that they are connected to each other and fall more into the favor of the idea that they independently grew and came to their own conclusions around similar times. 

3 thoughts on “Blog post 4

  1. I said many of the same things that you said about the pyramids. I think that there would be much more physical evidence and records in Egyptian written history of these creatures from another planet. I like how you mentioned that different materials would have been used. If these extra terrestrials truly gave the Egyptian’s so much help with building structures, why would they not give them new materials not found here on earth that could have made their job easier. And if these other beings were so powerful, why did they not just build the pyramids for them? I feel like the maybe if a being from another planet was present in this time, instead of their gods maybe the egyptians would have based their religion on them. Of course absolutely no real evidence of any of this exists. This thought just discredits the egyptian people as a whole. Hundred of thousands of people build these monuments that have withstood the test of time. Their genius is the only thing that truly was the cause of these.
    As for the Atlantean society, you are track on with what I said. If there truly was an Atlantis in which culture spread to many different areas, why is the culture not similar?? Egyptian culture and Mayan culture was very different, even their reason for building their pyramids were much different. Hyperdiffusionists really do not go off of facts at all, and rather try to connect things that are not even remotely similar.

  2. I completely agree with your hypothesis of what the archaeological narrative would look like if there was a superior race or extra terrestrial beings that influenced the construction of the Giza Pyramids. I, too, claimed that there would be evidence left behind in the forms of writings and depictions, as well as tracings through the Egyptian culture. I also agree that there would be material evidence to support that the Egyptians used advanced technological methods and materials, and that this evidence would not be easily hidden, but rather appear in undeniable amounts.
    The information that you provided on the advanced Eqyptian academia or techniques and their strengths regarding trade strongly supports that the Egyptians were capable of such a wondrous construction (the pyramids) themselves. This is an extremely important observation and provides concrete evidence that the Egyptians would not have had to be taught by a superior race or influenced by intelligent life from another planet.
    Again , I had a similar answer regarding what the archaeological narrative would look like for Atlantis. I agreed that there would be overwhelming evidence of advanced technologies and artifacts that would be impossible for all to be mysteriously hidden or covered up. However, our answers differed where you introduced the idea of lacking similarities between the Mayan and Egyptian cultures. This is a strong point that I otherwise had not thought of. If the two civilizations had been connected or one derived from the other, there would be much more apparent similarities between the cultures observable through the archaeological narrative described today.

  3. I loved your blog. You do an excellent job of unpacking the ludicrous theories presented by pseudo-archaeologist, and thoroughly explain your counter points. I especially enjoyed the portion where you touched on the expertise of the Egyptians, and that they would have indeed been exposed to a plethora of different building styles, and techniques which would like have enabled them to build such magnificent structures as the Giza Pyramids. I complete agree with your point that if they were indeed assisted by outside forces, there would be more evident for that. Such as the evidence of more advanced tools or written records from the Egyptians.
    I also enjoyed your points in regards to the Atlantis theories. Specifically that, there is no concrete evidence that there is even a lost city. Your argument that there would be more similarities between the two cultures is another very important critique of the rather far fetched theory that these two civilizations were products of hyper diffusion. Additionally, your point that the similarities between the two structures is another very important point. One, that I also argued in my own blog. I find it absurd that the theory for Egyptians and Mayans being spawned from hyper-diffusion even exists as there is no real evidence for this outside of the similarity between the two pyramids, which are still very different.
    Overall, I think you blog was well structured and very informative, and did an excellent job of dismantling these two hypotheses.

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