Bonus Blog: the Starchild Skull

In February 1999, a man named Lloyd Pye got his 15 minutes of fame when he came forward with a skull that he claimed was discovered in 1930 in an old mining tunnel near Chihuahua, Mexico. This skull was peculiar in nature because it was extraordinarily large for a child of that age, which was determined to be between 4 and 5 years old. The volume of the interior of the skull is 200 cubed centimeters large than the average adult’s brain. The eye orbits are oval and shallow, there are no frontal sinuses, and the back of the skull is flattened. The child was buried alongside a normal human skeleton, and Lloyd claimed that the skull was proof that extra-terrestrials visited this planet as soon as 100 years ago, and not only that, but they had also mated with humans and created a hybrid human-alien child. Once this child was discovered, it was killed along with the parent, and thrown into the abandoned mine shaft it was found in. Lloyd dedicated his life to researching what he now had named the Starchild and traveled around the world to get his point across. The Yorkshire Evening Post reported on his traveling, when he came to the Leeds Exopolitics Expo in 2009. This convention was at the  Leeds Metropolitan University and according he article, “aimed to smash the cover-ups and change government policy toward extraterrestrial related phenomena”. Lloyd gave a lecture on the skull and its significance at the conference. A direct quote from his lecture is as follows: “There is nothing like seeing cold, hard, scientific proof before one’s own eyes. Is has recently happened in Italy, Spain, Poland, and Romania. When it comes to alien existence, science demands irrefutable, unbiased, and fact-based data. The Starchild skull provides that in more than ample amounts, and in a manner that leaves audiences stunned and delighted to be made aware of such an important endeavor unfolding before their very eyes.”

            Dr. Steven Novella of Yale University Medical School wrote extensively on the Starchild, debunking its existence. He writes that the child actually died as a result of congenital hydrocephalus, which is a condition in which there is a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain that results in an abnormally large skull. DNA testing of the child has revealed that it possesses both X and Y chromosomes, determining that not only was the child a male but that it was fully human, as both parents must be human in order to contribute the sex chromosomes. DNA testing also confirmed that the female human found with the child was not the child’s mother, and that both the skeletons are Native American in origin.

            Lloyd was obviously an ancient astronaut theorist, claiming not only that aliens exist and have visited our planet, but that they also bred with humans in an attempt to create a hybrid race. Lloyd’s motives were most likely earnest in origin, and although there may be a little bit of ethnocentrism, his main motive was most likely fame, money, and notoriety because he is still travelling around the world with his discovery today.
