Blog #2: The Early Dynastic State Reyna,Mercedes

In earlier times many countries were ruled by kingship systems. This was also shown in Egypt, but the kings were only kings because of their special connections to the gods. In other countries, kings were kings solely by bloodlines. Even though there were no palaces, archaeologists still theorize that this time period was ruled by kings because of the royal cemeteries.

In Aha’s cemetery b, many men and women were found with goods near their graves. Many of which were sacrifices. It would be interesting if we knew more about the ceremonial process of sacrifice. How were the sacrifices picked, at random, age, etc? Dogs, dwarfs, and lions were also found.  It is fascinating to me that the Egyptians hunted lions and hippos. These are vicious animals that no one would want to mess with today. The whole ceremony process of the afterlife is very complex for this time period. All the royalty members are found with goods such as wine, foods, pots, and other valued objects collected from other countries. Craftsmanship was another thing that was highly valuable to the kings. Writing was only for the prestigious and it was found on some art pieces that belonged to the royal kings. The Egyptians highly look forward to the afterlife as do many people of different religions today.

It is also interesting that there were no slaves until the 2nd millennium b.c or at least no slaves that were used in construction.  I am not quite sure how slaves were classified in Egypt. It was probably based on ranks, but were the ranks predetermined at birth or could the ranks change through the individuals life?

Hieroglyphic writing apparently started way before the 1st dynasty, but the earliest stages are still not known. However, writing seemed to emerge for administration activities. Unlike today, early Egypt did not pay with money, but paid with agricultural goods. During harsh weather conditions did it cause huge conflict? Maybe this is how slavery was created as payment for the loss of crops. Writing was mainly used for the king. On all the kings belongs had writing. The kings’ tombs and people who were part of the royal clan all had writing on their tombs.

The trading network early Egypt had was extensive. The military control that Egypt had helped with acquiring new goods. They often traded with Palestine and lower Nubia. The Egyptians may have married some of their traders. Not much is known of who exactly created the Egyptian civilization. Anthropologists cannot even give a “race” to the Egyptian people. The Egyptian civilization may have been a big melting pot similar to America.