Week 2: Evolution of Human Variability

When I think about science through out my many experiences I know that through different topics the most unique has been physical science. I say this due to the dynamics of science can be wrapped into one big study of the human body, environment, whats around the person and also, nonliving things. I also find biology to be something very interesting as well. I like learning about the body and all the things it is made of which is where chemistry comes in. However, I do not care about the depth of the different terms and systems within chemistry. Chemistry to me becomes mathematical and it gets more technical to me.

With Anthropology I never realized how science place a huge part in fieldwork or even research as a whole. I notice when you get more closer to the health disparities side of Anthropology you are able to learn more about science than anything. I like that was are able to learn about DNA and chromosomes to help understand certain topics in families dealing with the body and DNA studies. This side of Anthropology gives you a bigger look at what to expect from Anthropology if it ever comes a time you want to switch you field of study, but is still under the same umbrella.

When it comes to my field it is connected to human variability because of the kind of research it entails. I am wanting to go into clinical research and it will allow me to focus on the health aspect of humans. There is a way of diversity in this field as well and learning more about the human genes and chromosomes helps connect with the kinds of disease or illnesses the human body come across and how. With the topic of learning how DNA work we are able to learn that with two parents we can distinguish how one child can receives a specific disease carried from one parent and passed on to the child.

Altogether, science is a very important roles to help connect with how things connect in the human body. Also, with science we can understand that when it comes to humans there were science to allow humans to become a people form. I believe science is needed to help figure out cures for illness like Cancer and even HIV. If there is no cure then there is medicines that are created through science that allow humans to heal their bodies and prevent them from getting really sick or contracting other illnesses.

6 thoughts on “Week 2: Evolution of Human Variability

  1. Hi Deniqua, first of all I can totally connect on the idea that science is a study of principles surrounding living, nonliving and environmental organisms. While the field does go beyond those fundamentals, it is very connected then separated. I never really thought of chemistry being a part of evolution but after reading your post, I realize to certain chemistry does to it by principles, chemicals and various compounds with their origins and sustainably that also exemplifies how human evolve. With shared characteristics for example adaptability, changing with how a catalyst affects one and how our products are the results of reactant and aids that has helped with the production of results. I do think evolve has and studying it through DNA, RNA, amino acids and variations of chromosomes has helped us understand many mutation like lactose intolerants, and can aid in finding solutions for different diseases like cancer and HIV.

  2. Hi Deniqua!

    Your blog post was very interesting to me as you spoke of the many ways in which fields thought to be typically science-based actually very often intersect with fields like anthropology, which is often thought to be less science and more people focused. While it is true that this is the basis for anthropology, there is a major part of it which demands the use of a multitude of strictly science-based work in order to fully comprehend and make sense of the particular topic of interest. Newer anthropological studies do seem to take greater heed of genetics and evolutionary ideas in order to better formulate a comprehensive guide to human history. What I also found interesting about your post was your statement on medicine and disease and how these things certainly contribute to adjustments found in humans over time in an anthropological sense as well as an evolutionary one.

  3. Hi Deniqua! I also agree that physical science is very interesting and complex. Physical science is concerned with the study of inanimate natural objects,including physics , chemistry, astronomy and other related subjects. When I started this class I also never thought about how much science plays a role in many different fields including my field of study which is psychology. There even is a whole subfield of psychology called evolutionary psychology which explains the useful mental and psychological traits as functional products of natural selection. I personally thought my major would have very little to do with evolution or variation in human characteristics just because my major is usually not brought up during any of my other classes unless it’s for my major.
    That is super cool that you want to go into clinical research to study of health aspects of humans. I really hope to help people with my degree in the future. I either want to use my degree to help children with bad homes or broken homes use their experiences as lessons and how to work through them and have a very successful life. My degree connects with human variability because psychology wants to know why people are different and why they get the mental illness they live with. Psychology looks at how many people have a certain disorder as well and why that disorder may affect more males than females or more young adults than older adults. Lastly, I think if we didn’t have science we would be so far back and life would be completely different it is crazy to think about. Science is so important to our society and plays so many roles than you don’t think about on a daily basis.

  4. I completely agree, Chemistry can be a part of evolution, but I would even argue so is Physics. Biology is the study of living organisms. Physics is the study of matter and the laws of nature to understand the behavior of matter and the universe. When scientists combine physics and biology, they learn more about biological systems on a molecular or atomic level. Physics is also called “the fundamental science” because the subject of study of all branches of natural science like chemistry, astronomy, geology, and biology are constrained by laws of physics, similar to how chemistry is often called the central science because of its role in linking the physical sciences. This link back to physical science shows that all of these subfields of science can be interconnected for the whole big picture as evolution can be explained or studied through the lens of each.

  5. I have to agree on your thought that the concept of the evolution and the relation with the science. All the other comments were also interesting to me and informative. I like how you related the science and the anthropology in terms of human health, and it two fields of study can contribute significantly for cure for diseases. After reading your post and other comments, I was able to learn the strong connections between the anthropology and science and human health. Moreover, facts that there are many other subfields that studies the relation such as evolutionary psychology and newer anthropology tend to focus on genetics and evolutionary ideas were interesting and new to me. I really expect that we can improve our knowledge to find about human health with two fields of study that are under same umbrella to find cures for harmful diseases .

  6. Hi Deniqua,
    I find it interesting how you categorized physical science as a cumulation of the interactions of living and non living things. It is sort of a general study of science that looks at mostly surface topics and like you mentioned biology and chemistry go much deeper with information. I have to agree with you that I do not enjoy learning the fine details of chemistry. Oftentimes the concepts are hard to understand because they take place on such a microscopic level that it is hard to visualize what is going on. I agree that this class has taught me how integrated biology and evolution are into anthropology. I originally thought anthropology dealt mostly with old civilizations and learning about our past but after watching the lectures it is apparent how many of the concepts from biology courses play into anthropology. I like the idea you brought up at the end about how science has the ability to create advancements in medicine and cures for diseases. Overall you did a great job and I enjoyed your post.

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