Blog 3

According to American Anthropology Association, there are more differences within a racial group than between racial groups. There is a 94% difference in genes within a racial group, while only 6% difference between racial groups. This means that race has little to no biological foundation. In older times, race has been used as a tool to promote certain racial groups as having a higher status and others as having low status. For instance, during the time of colonialism, the colonists captured countries because they thought the people in those countries were inferior and unable to rule themselves. People were made to believe that the concept of race is natural and that the colonists were naturally superior to them. People in countries like India were forced to grow crops like cotton for export, so they were not able to grow food for themselves. This led to hunger, starvation and famine. Colonists used race for their own political and economic advantage, while demolishing the colonies. By separating people based on racial categories, different characteristic traits and stereotypes were easy to assign, like designating Africans with the most inferior status. In this way, the colonists were able to control and rule people.  

According to AAPA, there is a huge genetic diversity in all human populations. The concept of pure race does not exist. However, during the world war, Adolf Hitler promoted Aryan race as superior and pure. On the other hand, the Jews were considered inferior. But there is no pure race, which means that Hitler used this ideology to win the support of majority of people and rule the country. This proves that race is socially constructed. The concept of biological race does not exist. This can further be proved by diversity. United States is a very diverse country. Immigrants have adapted the American culture. They speak the language and engage in cultural activities. People can adapt a different culture and become a part of it. So, the biological basis of race does not make sense. The separation and categories do not make sense either.  

The AAPA also mentions that physical, cultural and social environments impact the behavior differences among individuals. Heredity only causes behavioral variability without affecting any individual’s capability to perform in a social setting. Additionally, anyone can adopt any culture with the same capability. I found this very interesting. The society has assigned different stereotypes to different racial categories, which has only worked to further divide the people based on racial tags. For instance, the stereotype that all Asians are smart tries to portray that Asians have a higher intellectual capability. This is not true and shows how society plays a huge rule in creating racial characteristics. The stereotypes can also be seen within a race. The stereotype that all blondes are unintelligent is a false remark. It is like assuming women can’t be both beautiful and smart. Blondes are considered beautiful, so there is a possibility that these remarks are linked. We have these tags within races, which has created differences even within a same group. The society creates these labels so that the idea of race stays intact. Stereotyping within a race proves the non-existence of biological race.  

2 thoughts on “Blog 3

  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I also talked about the 94 to 6 percent difference as I found it surprising how low the genetic variation is between racial groupings due to how prevalent the idea of biological race is in our society and how most people, either consciously or unconsciously, divide people into groups based physical features. I liked how you talked about how stereotypes contribute to the idea of biological race at the end of your post. I didn’t think about it when I was writing, but it makes since that racial stereotypes whether they appear superficially positive or negative would contribute to separate people into groups. Particularly if you consider how most average people don’t know about the idea of genetics not really having an impact on an individual being able to adapt their behavior to their environment.

  2. Hi there! I find it particularly interesting to think about how similar different “racial” group are biologically, and how people seem to pretend as though it is the complete opposite. Through history people have grown up to learn what divides us, not what connects us. This, I think, is one of the biggest failures in the history of humanity.

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