Kress week 3

Race is a term that has held much importance in our society today.  It is all over especially in politics and just society in general. Race is a human constructed idea that based of the false belief that people with different skin colors are biologically different still exists. Race is still a very important part of society and is still used to oppress some people of color in our society. This is all important information when trying to explain the non-existence of biological race. 

There is a debate among many anthropologists where they have argued whether or not race really truly exists. This opens the question of weather there are biological differences amongst the population of humans that actually separate us into different categories or races. The American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) claims all humans that exist today are all from a single species and all share one descent.

There is a statement that comes from the AAA that says, “Historical research has shown that the idea of “race” has always carried more meanings than mere physical differences; indeed, physical variations in the human species have no meaning except the social ones that humans put on them.” Race was created to create divides amongst the human population. This can be seen in a very important and sad time I American history, slavery. Race was used in order to justify it happening and nobody questioned it. Race is often looked at as the physical differences but that difference is skin color is sued to set guidelines and that is what happened during the time of slavery. This also shows how race has been a human constructed in society. People just made up that the African Americans were inferior simply because of their skin color so this construct is used to put a certain group of people at a disadvantage.

Race and the non existence of biological race is a tricky thing to understand for many people and that can lead into people having a hard time trying to explain what it is and what it means. Race is not a biological thing it is simply the color of somebody’s skin. This variation in skin color is due to the different amounts of pigment each individual has. The amount of pigment is indeed inherited by you parents and your pigment level turns out to be a combination of the two. There is now a spectrum of human skin colors due to the fact that there isn’t a lot of variation but the point is that somebody who is very light and somebody who is very dark are not different types of humans. We are all the same, no matter what your skin color is. In a previous class a professor compared this race idea to eye color. Of course there is a variation of eye colors but nobody ever considered the blue eyed people to be different than the green eyed people.

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