Blog 3

In order to test a hypothesis, one must take on a scientific methodical approach. The hypothesis must be tested and proven in order for it to become a theory. The commonly known theory of evolution is often questioned by alternative “scientists”. Many believe that our ancestors could never have made the advancements in technology and such without the intervening help of other worldly beings. We must evaluate the already known theory of civilizations’ scientific advancements in order to thoroughly test the hypothesis that the leaps of progression of early civilizations is the effect of extra terrestrial aliens. 

            Virtually every case of ancient alien interaction can be explained using various forms of anthropology, archaeology, and the scientific method. While many believe that there is hard evidence that supports these alternative theories, they are failing to review the evidence that has already been presented. In history, we can see how civilizations thrived after the agricultural revolution. In our world today, we can view our own society and see how fast technology is advancing. It is not uncommon for development to happen at a fast pace, whether it is in current times or the past. Unfortunately, many are left to support and publish pseudoscientific claims, such as those mentioned, without taking into account the plentiful evidence that supports the theories regarding the prehistoric record that is commonly known. 

Many alternative theorists claim that ancient astronauts were responsible for building the pyramids, as seen on Ancient Aliens. The reasoning for their beliefs is that they believe that our ancestors were not smart enough or had technology advanced enough to create such a large and amazing structure. On the other hand, using practices like experimental archaeology, we can test and view the best ways the ancient Egyptians could have used to move and construct the large stone buildings. Civilizations that were not European, or white, created things, such as structures, writing, agriculture, that surpassed European advancement; which draws many out to create alternative and outlandish “theories”. These beliefs are quite ethnocentric and have racist undertones. They believe that a group of people was not intelligent enough to build a structure or create a language or discover new advancements in technology, so to them, it must be the work of some higher, more intelligent being. While there is hundreds of years of science to support the previously known theories of prehistoric past and advancement, and nearly no concrete evidence on the presence of extra terrestrials being on our planet, this still seems like an option that better suits alternative scientists’ beliefs.  

            It is important as social scientists for us to be able to recognize and critically analyze alternative approaches to our past. While many “theories” or “theorists” do follow ethnocentric or racist agendas, not all may have that underlying theme. Some alternative theories may be innocently trying to piece the pieces of our history together, and deserve to be taken into consideration. This is why it is crucial to be able to tell science from pseudoscience, and to be able to make our own claims and beliefs on a topic.