Blog Post 3

It would be naive to assume previous humans had help advancing technology and society. Von Daniken claims the ancient astronauts helped primitive humans with everything: from the start of agriculture to the formation of social order. These claims are impractical and ignore archaeological facts. For example, there is an abundance of evidence to suggest early humans created agriculture of their own accord. There are archaeological sites where early humans attempted farming much earlier than when scientists believe agriculture began. If ancient astronauts DID introduced agriculture to early humans, they would have given them the correct seeds to simply begin farming. There would not be evidence towards the cultivation of plants thousands of years before agriculture began. Regarding social order, it just makes sense that societies would have formed after the start of agriculture. It is human nature to form social structures when living closely with one another, and that has nothing to do with ancient astronauts. If people began to live in close quarters, in order to help with workload and share food, a hierarchy among the people is going to form (as I said it’s human nature). Furthermore, our ancestors practiced social order before the creation of modern humans. For example, Homo erectus took part in social organization long before the creation of modern humans and agriculture. Homo erectus would often stick to a small band, and the workload was always distributed among them. The evidence of Homo erectus performing social order goes against everything Von Daniken is claiming. I doubt the ancient aliens would come back and visit every couple thousand years, considering there has not been any so-called “evidence” since primitive times. So, if they came after the creation of modern humans, how did Homo erectus begin forming social structures? It is clear to me that evolution must have had a part in modern humans formation of social order, not ancient aliens.

Chariots of the Gods addresses the Nazca lines. Von Daniken claims that the only logical explanation for the lines is that they were used as some sort of airfield for ancient astronauts and Gods. Perhaps the ancient Nazca people created the artwork as some sort of ritual in honor of the Gods, but it is highly unlikely that it was used as an airfield. There is no written record addressing the Nazca lines, so it is impossible to know the actual use. However, it seems plausible that they were used for ritualistic purposes.