Blog Post 4

The claim that the pyramids were built by aliens or a lost civilization is one that would require consistent evidence rather than hyperdiffusionist ideas based on “comparisons”. For example, they say that the pyramids were built by aliens because the Egyptians were not sophisticated enough and because people like the Maya also built “pyramids”. However, all of the highly developed technology used by either of these groups is nowhere to be found. The only “proof” is completely unrelated like cave art that shows “astronauts” and “lightbulbs”. There should also be evidence that these groups were here at all. The archaeological record should have found some evidence of these groups other than objects that look like modern technology, like the Baghdad battery. The supporters of these two groups would also need to stop completely ignoring the actual scientific evidence we have actually found that disproves their claims. For their ideas to be taken seriously pseudoarchaeologists need to use supporting evidence that doesn’t have a proven explanation because otherwise, their argument becomes as meaningless as trying to prove that the Earth is flat. The archaeological record is full of information on the construction of the pyramids which makes the claims even more ridiculous. One very recent example is the intact scrolls containing hieroglyphics and hieratic script in 2013 including a journal from a crew leader who would transport limestone up and down the Nile to the pyramid site. This account also confirmed that Pharaoh Khufu and his half-brother, Ankh-haf, oversaw the building of the Great Pyramid and Khufu’s tomb.

Similarly, the argument of Atlantis should have more physical evidence of its existence other than the presence of advanced civilizations that formed from its descendants. There would be evidence of a sunken island on the seafloor of the Atlantic, because even though we are ignoring the fact that Plato’s story is a moral fable, he mentioned where Atlantis “was”. I also believe there should be actual “Atlantean” artifacts somewhere. For example, Plato claims that the civilization of Atlantis was started when Poseidon fell in love with Cleito(a mortal woman) and had 10 sons who controlled different regions as kings, including his oldest son Atlas. However, only Poseidon and Atlas are documented in Greek mythology. For there to be 10 different kings and their father on this island with temples to Poseidon and Cleito there should be more evidence of the civilization’s existence. Hyperdiffusionists claim that proof of Atlantis is evidenced by advanced groups like the Egyptians and the Maya but there is no concrete archaeological evidence of their origins on Atlantis other than the fact that they both managed to have similar architectural ideas, advanced astronomical knowledge, and written language. Overall, there is no archaeological evidence in support of the existence of Atlantis but there is plenty against it. Of course, this knowledge is from “mainstream archaeology” or “mainstream science” which, in the end, is why pseudoarchaeologists will not give up in their “fight”.


Atlantis, the Antidiluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly Chapter 2