Blog Post #4

If the hypothesis that pyramid building was introduced into ancient Egypt by extraterrestrials or the citizens of the lost city of Atlantis were true then there would be apparent indicators in the archaeological records. If advanced technology had been used in the construction of the pyramids themselves then there would be indications that steel or more modern metals, such as titanium, were used to carve the stones used. There may also be indications of advanced transportation devices, which could have been used to move the heavy stone blocks from the location of the quarry to the building site.

    While these indicators would be extremely fun to find, they are obviously missing from the actual archaeological records. The carving marks and precision of the carvings reflect the use of copper tools, which were common during the time period. The techniques used in pyramid building also undergoes changes in the archaeological record. If the concept had been introduced by an advanced race or civilization then the technique should have remained relatively the same as the advanced beings would have perfected the construction of such structures.

    In a similar vein, the hypothesis that both the Mayans and Egyptians diffused from the lost city of Atlantis would have striking indicators present in the archaeological records of both civilizations. The largest indicator in the archaeological record that would link these two civilizations is the presence of pyramids. The pyramids in both cultures were used as special structures in their respective religions. The fact that both were also used as burial chambers for powerful rulers may indicate a common archaeological “ancestor”. The usage of hieroglyphs as a written language is also reflected in both civilizations. Perhaps the written language used by Atlantis was similar, using advanced combinations of symbols and imagery in order to convey meaning to abstract ideas and concepts beyond what a phonetic alphabet could accomplish.

    As interesting as this idea may be the reality of the situation is that both civilizations developed independently of one another. While visually similar in a very loose sense, the usage of pyramids in both cultures developed at hugely different points in history which would disprove that idea that some ancient civilization passed on this knowledge to them. In fact, once the similarities between them are looked at more closely they point to completely separate causes for their development. The truth of the matter is that just because two items appear to be descended from a common ancestor it is more important to look are the context in which they developed in order to find out what their purpose.