
Hi, I’m Sam Carpenter and I’m a senior, graduating in December, double majoring in psychology and anthropology. I like to read, watch movies, and spend time with my family and friends, the usual stuff I guess. On weekends I normally would be up north at my family’s cabin to go fishing, just relax and get away or whatever else we find to do, but there’s no internet and not a lot of cell service up there; so, now I mostly just go back home to Bay City whenever I can (parents finally got high speed internet).

I am taking this class as an elective for my anthropology degree (all requirements for psychology are done). I’m fascinated by ancient civilizations, as well as history in general and have already taken a class on Mesoamerican civilizations/archaeology and in the fall I’m taking a European archaeology class. I am interested mostly in physical/forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology, but I have a small passion for archaeology as well. In the future I hope to go to grad school for either physical anthropology or public health/epidemiology; if its possible I would incorporate archaeology and/or historic preservation into any anthropology degree I pursue, and my backup plan is counseling or child/developmental psychology. Overall I’m still not exactly sure what I want to when I’m done with school, but I have a few options to try and figure it out.

I’m excited to start this semester and learn about the history, civilization, and the archaeology of ancient Egypt and to work with all of you. Since, I’m the type of person who would rather type or text to people instead of talking to them I usually prefer online classes but I have never had one with this format before, so it will be a learning experience in itself.

One thought on “Introduction

  1. Hey Sam. Yup – there are lots of archaeologists who work in the sphere of historical preservation (or heritage preservation), so that goal is certainly attainable.

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