Blog Post #4

To test the hypothesis involving pyramid building and aliens, we need to further investigate how the archaeological record we have today would look if this hypothesis was, in fact, true. If pyramid building was introduced into Egypt by aliens or another lost advanced civilization, like Atlantis, then we would have at least some clear evidence of advanced technology. We can see a vast amount of advanced technology in ancient Egypt, but not to the degree that this hypothesis suggests. For example, if Aliens visited earth on their highly advanced spaceships, we would have some record of modern hardware, not just limestone and sandstone. The “evidence” used in many arguments for hypotheses like this include easily refutable claims. Examples include; no housing for all of the workers needed to build the pyramids. This is quickly shot down by the discovery of a building not too far from the construction sites that could have easily housed and fed the builders. Much of the “evidence” used to support this hypothesis mostly consist of arguments against ancient Egyptians being able to build the pyramids themselves, which has highly racist roots to begin with. The majority of the archaeological record supporting the idea that aliens visited earth and constructed the pyramids point to celestial alignment, which also is very incorrect.

In the case of the lost, advanced civilization of Atlantis, there is little to no actual archaeological supporting evidence. If this hypothesis were to be proven correct, we would see ancient artifacts, sites, and texts that very clearly prove the existence. Instead, we have socratic texts imagining the existence of a lost civilization, and basically a ton of disprovable “evidence.” Atlantis is often thought to be sunken into the ocean, though we have yet to discover and evidence of sunken cities that fit into this context. The basis for this hypothesis, much like aliens and the pyramids, is hyperdiffusion. The thought that the Maya and ancient Egyptians could not have possibly constructed such wonderful structures, or have had such amazing advanced knowledge about irrigation and advanced tools, is racist in nature. Our current, accurate archaeological evidence shows that these ancient civilizations were so advanced because of vast research into geometry, rich soil from the Nile, and mostly just success from the organization of their societies. To suggest that the Mayan people or the Egyptians could not have done all of the things they did on their own just discredits their achievements, and shows more and more how these pseudoarchaeological claims are rooted in hyperdiffusion. If there was any way that idea that the Maya and ancient Egypt diffused from the lost civilization of Atlantis, then we would have some sort of clear archaeological evidence linking technological advancements, language, and even literature that would point to this. But, we have none of these.

One thought on “Blog Post #4

  1. I approached this blog in the same manner as you did, I believe that if aliens or Atlanteans had introduced pyramid building to the Egyptians then shouldn’t there be evidence of more advanced technology with the archaeological record? For the time period, in my opinion, Egypt was already advanced but in the case of interacting with aliens or Atlanteans, pseudoarcheologists tend to believe in a source of technology that would have allowed them to levitate the stone that now makes up the pyramids. I agree with you when you mention that we should see evidence of a more “modern” hardware or something that just seems foreign to the era of ancient Egypt. I also mentioned how building were found not far off from the sites of the pyramids that would have housed workers as well as grain silos to pay the workers what they have earned through manual labor. I also mentioned in my blog that all we have are written texts where Atlantis is only used as a sort of example for the “perfect” society. Atlantis was only written about in a conceptual sense, not as a physical place. This hypothesis (as well as the other one) is honestly only gives way to hyperdiffusion, which you also mentioned. I agree that hypotheses like this one belittles the people of ancient Egypt and the Mayan people. It is very racist and ethnocentric to assume that just because the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans did not have the technology as we do today then they were incapable to build these incredible structures. They may not have had concepts or technologies as we think of them today, but they were definitely advanced to be able to understand mathematical and structural concepts to build these pyramids.

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