Activity post week 7

During the time of this course, I learned a lot. It not only contributed to my growth of knowledge in the medical field, but also helped me understand some of the health struggles women face all across the country. It is very sad to see what some women go through mentally and physically and lets us know that, here in America, we are pretty fortunate overall. For example, in some countries some women are not even allowed to choose whom they marry, and a lot of women are still not allowed to vote in their own country. As upsetting as it can be to learn and heat some of the things some go through, it is also very important. This is because if we were oblivious to these things, we could never find a way to help these people. There are so many organizations and groups targeted to help women in other counties and area of the world with their health and mental status. This class truly did open up my eyes and help me realize that the problems I complain about on a day to day basis are not relevant or important issues and there are women out there trying to fight just to stay alive everyday. I really liked how you organized this course and set up the weekly assignments. I felt as if the directions were very clear that you made and all of the articles and readings and videos were all very relevant to the topic for the week. Even though there were some days where I was sitting inside for hours doing this class, I felt as if the time lengths for the assignments due were set appropriately. I like how you made the blog posts and activity posts due every Friday and then the blog comments due every Sunday. I also enjoyed how you took the time to read through and provide feedback for every single persons post in the class. This is important to me because I have had professors before who don’t even read my work, after all of the hours and time I spent on it, just to give an 100% because they were too lazy too. I also genuinely love feedback so I can continue to work and improve as a student and as a person overall. I honestly do not think I would change one thing about this course. I always was so excited to learn and read about the topic for the week and laws shared with my family what I learned, as they thought it was very interesting as well. I want to thank you for a great semester, even though it was online. You were very organized and helpful and were always so on top of things such as resounding to emails very quickly.

Thank you so much!

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