Week 1 activity post

For this course, I will be researching Haiti. This country is very small and is located west of the Dominican Republic and south of Cuba. This small country has faced several challenges that required the attention of the United States news and help from the U.S as well. Both medical and environmental challenges have been big issues here for several years.

Haiti occupies the western three-eights of the island which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Haiti has approximately 10.8 million people making it the most populous country in the Caribbean community and the second most populous country in the Caribbean as a whole. Haiti welcomes many different groups of people from all over the world and a large percentage of Arab immigrants. This is the cause of the massive population. Haiti has unforgettable history and wondrous culture. It was the first country to initiate empowerment among its colored people. Haiti is a strong country as a while, although not economically. Haiti is named the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The poor economic conditions in Haiti can be ascribed to diverse reasons. From low literacy rates from lack of education, this results in the low levels of technical skills in the labor force. The working conditions in Haiti are very unsafe and unhealthy.

The majority of the country lacks access to quality education which is a prerequisite for sustained social and economic development. Since Haiti faces strong economic challenges, education funds cannot be met or created. The people believe strengthening their country is a priority over anything. Education is not valued. Because of the lack of funds and challenges, Haiti is a very unhappy country as a whole. It is ranked that only every 3/10 people whom live there were satisfied with their lives there. Between the overcrowding of the country, lack of funds for education leading to lack of jobs, and the poorness of the country, Haiti really struggles to find satisfaction with their lives. They face several medical, economic and environmental challenges every day. The challenges that they not only face economically but especially medically really interest me, and I will continue to learn and research about it.

“CDC Global Health – Haiti.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/countries/haiti/default.htm

“Haiti.” Haiti Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption, www.heritage.org/index/country/hait

U.S. Agency for International Development
, www.usaid.gov/.

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