MSU Biomarker Laboratory for Anthropological Research is seeking mid-Michigan breastfeeding mothers for upcoming study

Department of Anthropology Associate Professor Masako Fujita, Director of the MSU Biomarker Laboratory for Anthropological Research, is looking for mid-Michigan breastfeeding mothers to volunteer for an upcoming study, “Exploring Human Milk Immune Specificity.”

Qualifying volunteers will be asked to:
• Come to Michigan State University East Lansing campus, if possible, with baby – about 2 hours
• Pump about one ounce of milk (in a private office) and give blood drops via finger stick
• Answer questions and have their body measurements taken
We ask volunteers to pump milk at campus, rather than donating frozen milk, to be sure that all the immune factors in milk are still active when we take it into the lab. Participants will receive a $35 Amazon gift card. For more info please email