Kenneth David
Associate Professor
Core Faculty Asian Studies
Core Faculty Casid
Core Faculty Asian Studies
Core Faculty Casid
Organizational Anthropology, Social Movements, Transcultural Project Studies, Professional Applications of Anthropology (to Engineering, Medicine, and Business), and Religion and Culture.
Anne Ferguson
Professor Emerita
Senior Associate Dean, International Studies & Programs
Senior Associate Dean, International Studies & Programs
Women and Development Program, International Studies and Programs, Environment and development, Agrarian systems, Feminist and gender studies, Medical anthropology; Southern Africa, Central America
Lynne Goldstein
Professor of Anthropology
Director, Campus Archaeology Program
Adjunct Curator, MSU Museum
Director, Campus Archaeology Program
Adjunct Curator, MSU Museum
Archaeology, Mortuary Analysis, Late Prehistoric Cultures of the Eastern Woodlands, Landscape Use and Change, Historic Archaeology, Public Archaeology
Linda Hunt
Medical Anthropology, Concepts of Racial/Ethnic Variation, Medical and Research Ethics, Culture of Biomedicine, Health Care Policy, Health Disparities, Race and Genetics, Health Care Systems
Kenneth Lewis
Professor, Department of Anthropology
Adjunct Curator of History and Anthropology, MSU Museum
Adjunct Curator of History and Anthropology, MSU Museum
Historical Archaeology, Frontiers and Colonization, Archaeological Methodology, Settlement Patterning and Archaeological Landscapes, Eastern North America, South Carolina, Michigan
William A. Lovis
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology
Curator Emeritus of Anthropology, MSU Museum
Senior Research Associate, Lithic Microwear Research Laboratory, Microwear Associates, Ltd.
Curator Emeritus of Anthropology, MSU Museum
Senior Research Associate, Lithic Microwear Research Laboratory, Microwear Associates, Ltd.
Hunter Gatherer Archaeology and Ethnography, The Transition to Horticulture, Applied Theory, Analytic Methods and Research Design, Human-Environment Interactions and Regional Taphonomy, Paleoenvironmental Change, Public Policy including Forensic Archaeology, Law Enforcement Training, and Repatriation, Great Lakes/Midwest and Europe
Jodie O'Gorman
Professor Emerita
Prehistory of North America with specialization in Midwest/Great Lakes region, Late prehistoric/historic communities and interaction, Archaeology of gender and foodways, Museums, Public Archaeology
Helen Perlstein Pollard
Professor Emerita of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University
Adjunct Curator Emerita, MSU Museum, Michigan State University
Adjunct Curator Emerita, MSU Museum, Michigan State University
Human Ecology, Emergence and Evolution of Social, Political and Economic Inequality, Prehispanic Latin America, Mesoamerica, Western Mexico, Tarascans/purepecha
Scott Whiteford
Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology
Director Emeritus, Center for Latin American Studies and Caribbean Studies
Director Emeritus, Center for Latin American Studies and Caribbean Studies
Sociocultural Anthropology, Latin America, International Migration, Violence, Social Movements and Power, Human Rights, Issues in Economic Development, Research Methods and Political Ecology of Water.