Professor Dr. Gabriel Wrobel receives Fulbright Specialist Award to Belize at Institute of Archaeology

Department of Anthropology Professor Dr. Gabriel Wrobel has been awarded the Fulbright Specialist Award to complete a project with the Institute of Archaeology in Belize. At the Belize Institute of Archaeology, Dr. Wrobel will be giving talks about archaeology, cultural heritage, bioarchaeology, and digital heritage for high school and college students with the goal of generating interest in the Institute’s work and spreading awareness of volunteer opportunities with the Institute.

The Fulbright Specialist Program pairs U.S. academics and professionals with host institutions abroad to share their expertise, strengthen institutional linkages, gain international experience, and learn about other cultures while networking at their overseas host institutions. Fulbright Specialist Program projects generally last between two and six weeks and are approved to take place all throughout the year.

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